Tuesday, March 16, 2010, between 2:00 and 5:00 PM
- Ava Parker
- Dick Beard
- Dean Colson
- Patricia Frost
- Mori Hosseini
- John Rood
Opening Remarks
Chancellor Frank T. Brogan
The “Sunshine Law” and Public Records
Vikki Shirley, General Counsel
History of the Board of Governors and Overview of the State University System
Chancellor Brogan
- Forward by Design/The New Florida Initiative
Academic and Student Affairs
Dorothy Minear, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor
- Accountability System: Annual Reports and University Work Plans
SUS Budget and Facilities
Tim Jones, Chief Financial Officer
Audit Responsibilities
Derry Harper, Inspector General
Legislative Affairs
Rick Maxey, Director, Governmental Relations
Board of Governors Operations
Mikey Bestebreurtje, Corporate Secretary
Concluding Remarks
Chancellor Brogan