Thursday, April 21, 2005, between 8:00 and 10:30 AM
- John Dasburg
Call to Order
Mr. John Dasburg
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Dasburg
- Minutes of Meeting held March 24, 2005 – pdf [72.62 KB]
Cost per Degree
Dr. Kent Caruthers, MGT of America
Policy Questions
Dr. Nancy McKee, Vice Chancellor, Education and Policy Research
Committee and Panel Discussion
Mr. Dasburg
Follow-up: Recommendation from State University System Presidents Association (SUPA) Regarding Goal for Targeted Programs
Dr. John Cavanaugh, Chairman, SUPA
- Letter from CAVP to SUPA – pdf [58.53 KB]
Review of State University System Strategic Plan
- Presentation – Dr. Nate Johnson, Director of Planning and Institutional Research
- Committee and Panel Discussion – Mr. Dasburg
- Draft Strategic Plan Outline – pdf [58.77 KB]
- State University Mission Statements, as Reflected on University Web Sites – pdf [508.96 KB]
Concluding Remarks and Adjournment
Mr. Dasburg