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Board of Governors – Regular Meeting (via conference call)

Thursday, April 27, 2006, between 1:00 and 2:00 PM


  • Carolyn K. Roberts
  • All Board Members



Ms. Vikki Shirley

Amended 2006-2007 State University System Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request


Consent Items

Resolution Authorizing the Redemption Prior to Maturity of $1,655,000 State of Florida, Board of Regents, USF Housing Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 1996B (Sarasota/New College Campus Project); Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Deposit Agreement; Providing for an Effective Date

Resolution Authorizing the Redemption Prior to Maturity of $2,255,000 State of Florida, Board of Regents, USF Housing Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 (Sarasota/New College Campus Project); Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Deposit Agreement; Providing for an Effective Date

Concluding Remarks and Adjournment

Chair Carolyn Roberts