Audit and Compliance Committee
Thursday, January 31, 2019, between 3:00 and 4:00 PM
- H. Wayne Huizenga, Jr.
- Patricia Frost
- Alan Levine
- Edward Morton
- FIRST Patel
- Fernando Valverde
Call to Order and Opening Remarks
Governor H. Wayne Huizenga, Jr.
Minutes of Committee Meeting
Governor Huizenga
SUS Compliance and Ethics Program Implementation Status
Ms. Julie Leftheris, Inspector General and Director of Compliance
OIGC Charter Revision
Ms. Leftheris
SUS Capital Projects Certifications
Ms. Leftheris
UCF Investigative Report, Misuse of E&G Funds for Construction of (UCF) Trevor Colbourn Hall
Ms. Leftheris
- Agenda Item for Committee information
- Auditor General’s Office Operational Audit Report (Report No. 2019-095)
- Report of Investigation
- Exhibits 1-21
- Exhibits 22-25
- Exhibits 26-44
- Exhibit 45 pt. 1
- Exhibit 45 pt. 2
- Exhibit 45 pt. 3
- Exhibits 46-75
- Exhibits 76-89
- Exhibit 90
- Exhibits 91-100
- Exhibits 101-110
- Exhibits 111-125
- Exhibits 126-134
OIGC Updates
Ms. Leftheris
Concluding Remarks and Adjournment
Governor Huizenga