Audit and Compliance Committee
Thursday, June 13, 2019, between 8:30 and 9:30 AM
- Timothy M. Cerio
- H. Wayne Huizenga, Jr.
- Patricia Frost
- Alan Levine
- Edward Morton
- Eric Silagy
Call to Order and Opening Remarks
Governor Tim Cerio
Minutes of March 28, 2019, Committee Meeting
Governor Cerio
OIGC Risk Assessment and Audit Work Plan 2019-2020
Ms. Julie Leftheris, Inspector General and Director of Compliance
UCF E&G Funds Misuse Investigative Report Update
Mr. Joey Burby, Lead Investigator and Partner at Bryan Cave Law Firm
USF Report of Findings, Review Into Use of Carryforward Funds in the Construction of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions (Patel Center)
Ms. Nancy Watkins, Chair, USF Audit and Compliance Committee
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Intercollegiate Athletics Cash Deficit
Mr. Kelvin Lawson, Chair, FAMU Board of Trustees
OIGC Updates
Ms. Leftheris
Concluding Remarks and Adjournment
Governor Cerio