The Performance-based Funding Model was approved at the January 2014 Board of Governors Meeting. The development of the model included university presidents, provosts, boards of trustees, and other stakeholders starting in the fall of 2012. The model includes 10 metrics that evaluate Florida institutions on a range of issues. These metrics were chosen after reviewing over 40 metrics identified in the University Work Plans.
The model has four guiding principles: 1) use metrics that align with SUS Strategic Plan goals, 2) reward Excellence or Improvement, 3) have a few clear, simple metrics, and 4) acknowledge the unique mission of the different institutions.
- Improvements to Performance-Based Funding
- Performance-Based Funding Overview
- Information Brief – PBF Metric Schedule
- Frequently Asked Questions
Information Documents
Performance-Based Funding Information documents presented to the Board.
Individual University Impact
Allocations, final metric score sheets, approved changes to the model, benchmarks, FAQs, definitions, and other information for each institution and each year are posted in this section.
- Allocation to institutions
- Final metric score sheets
- Approved changes to the model
- Benchmarks
- Metric score sheets by institution
- Definitions
- Summary of Performance Funding Initiatives
- New College of Florida Student Success Plan (2023-24)
- Student Success Plan presented at the September Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 25% of the state investment funds.
- NCF Student Success Plan Matrix
- University Student Success Plans (2022-23)
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- Student Success Plan Monitoring Report
- Student Success Plan Update presented at the March Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of the remaining 50% of state investments funds.
- Student Success Plan presented at the September Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of state investment funds.
- FGCU Student Success Plan Matrix
- Florida Polytechnic University
- Student Success Plan Monitoring Report
- Student Success Plan Update presented at the March Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved the remaining 25% of state investment funds.
- Student Success Plan presented at the September Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 25% of state investment funds.
- FL Poly Student Success Plan Matrix
- New College of Florida
- Student Success Plan Monitoring Report
- Student Success Plan Update presented at the March Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved the remaining 25% of state investment funds.
- Student Success Plan presented at the September Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 25% of state investment funds.
- NCF Student Success Plan Matrix
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- University Improvement Plans (2014-15)
- Florida Atlantic University
- May 2015 Progress Report presented at the June Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- December 2014 Progress Report presented at the January Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- New College of Florida
- May 2015 Progress Report presented at the June Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- December 2014 Progress Report presented at the January Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- University of West Florida
- May 2015 Progress Report presented at the June Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- December 2014 Progress Report presented at the January Board of Governors meeting. The Board approved release of 50% of held performance funds.
- Florida Atlantic University
Data and Methodology
- Methodology Documents
- Post-Graduation (Metrics: 1 & 2) Updated: 09/23
- Cost to the Student (Metric: #3)
- Graduation and Retention Rates (Metrics: 4, 5, 9A, 9B) Updated: 9/20
- Degrees in Programs of Strategic Emphasis (Metrics: 6 & 8)
- University Access Rate (Metric: #7)
- Data Integrity Process
The integrity of data provided to the Board of Governors is critical to the performance-based funding (PBF) decision-making process. To provide assurance that the data submitted for this process is reliable, accurate, and complete, the Board of Governors developed a Data Integrity Certification process in June 2014. Since then, the Data Integrity Certification process, which requires the annual audit, has been codified into statute and Board of Governors Regulation 5.001.
For the annual audit and certification process, university presidents and boards of trustees are to direct their chief audit executives to perform an audit of the university’s processes that ensure the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of data submissions to the Board of Governors. Audits are to be conducted in accordance with professional auditing standards and are to be submitted to the Board of Governors by March 1st each year.
Additionally, university presidents and boards of trustees are required to execute a Data Integrity Certification affirmatively certifying each representation. The audit results provide a basis for the president’s and chair’s certification. When the president and board chair cannot make the certification as prepared, a written explanation is required.
Beginning with the 2019-2020 Funding Year and in accordance with section 1001.706(5)(e), Florida Statutes, universities designated as preeminent or emerging preeminent universities were required to include a data integrity review of the relevant data used for those designations. Universities may choose to combine the preeminent or emerging preeminent data integrity audit with the annual PBF data integrity audit report or issue it as a separate report.
University data integrity audit reports are accessible in the Board of Governors Audit and Compliance Committee March meeting materials (
Performance-Based Funding Studies
A Complete Performance-Based Funding Continuous Improvement Model, Aug 2019
An Updated Performance-Based Funding Model, Oct 2019
Performance-Based Funding-State Comparison
There is a national trend towards performance-based funding with Tennessee being the pioneer state. To view information on other states that have adopted performance funding measures, please see the links below.
PBF comparisons of FL to Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
Performance-Based Funding News Clips
Select news clips on performance based funding in Florida:
- State University System Performance Funding Drives Student Success (June 24, 2021)
- FIU ranks first among Florida public universities (June 23, 2021)
- USF Places Second In State’s Performance-Based Rankings (June 24, 2021)
- UWF leads state in percentage of bachelor’s graduates employed in Florida Board of Governors performance metrics (June 23, 2021)
- USF leads all state universities in performance-based funding metrics (May 28, 2020)
- Board of Governors announces university performance funds (August 6, 2019)
- FSU to receive $98.7 million in performance funding (June 27, 2018)
- Universities face tougher graduation standard (March 28, 2018)
- Letter_UF Board of Trustees Chair Bill Heavener (June 30, 2017)
- Guestview: Long-term strategies pay off for UWF (June 29, 2017)
- UWF ranks high in Florida Board of Governors’ performance funding model (June 22, 2017)
- Universities mark another year of improvement under performance funding (June 22, 2017)
- States challenge public universities to prove they are worth their funding (March 13, 2017)
- FAU’s $25 million windfall to pay for raises, research, safety (July 1, 2016)
- No. 1 Ranking Nets UCF $16.2 Million in New Performance Funds (June 22, 2016)
- Governor Scott Signs Board of Governors’ Performance Based Funding Model Into Law (April 14, 2016)
- Graduation rate improving, FAU wins top spot in Florida scorecard (March, 16, 2016)
- Florida A&M University makes gains in state metrics rankings (March 16, 2016)
- New College is striving for state dollars (August 16, 2015)
- FAU Making Changes and Help Comes to Boca’s Permitting Process (June 4, 2015)
- UWF investing in its own success (March 19, 2015)
- UCF receives $21.8 million in performance funding (February 5, 2015)
- University receives $8.1 million in performance-based funding in time for its 18th year (August 20, 2014)
- Florida Universities Get $200 Million in Performance Funding (June 17, 2014)
- USF-St. Pete Makes Push to Retain Students (June 9, 2014)
- Governor Scott Signs State University System Budget (June 2, 2014)
- Board of Governors’ Performance Funding Model Receives Recognition at National Conference (May 29, 2014)
- Chancellor Criser Explains Performance Based Funding (March 1, 2014)
- Chancellor Criser’s Letter to the Editor (February 14, 2014)
- University Concerns about Performance Based Funding (January 16, 2014)
- Introduction to Performance Based Funding (January 14, 2014)
For more news clips on performance based funding or the State University System of Florida, please visit News and Updates